Wednesday, April 27, 2011

*~Oh how fasinating!!~*

Ok I know this may sound odd,but I'm fascinated with hats & fascinators I hope,oh and dream one day go to a wedding or go someplace where you have to wear them,you know how they do in England(actually i always would liked to have moved there)i know weird,but it is so cute.I just love the way it looks and i don't know what else to say,but it's super cute.I totally would want to wear them for fun and have a english accent to go with it.haha;-)

                                                     Oh aren't they goregous!!right darling=)
And what else fasinates me oh and if i would redo my whole closet buy all new clothes(i would have vinatgey,girly clothes.I'm totally in love with vintage fashion,it's just super cute i love the style of it,dresses and lace,oh lace!!Im in love with lace,i just really like it,especially when it's layered oh double the love.haha=)

this would be a cute wedding dress( ahem..hint: my dress would be lace & layerd.hehe;)

For last words i really like this one=D except I'm not this skinny..but it just sums up all that i was writing i mean typing .haha..but anyway i really loved the style,fascinator with the vinagy dress oh how cute=) now dear we are late for tea.Good-day

1 comment:

v. frances said...

that is a BEAUTIFUL dress!!!
where can i place my order?
haha im in awe =)