Monday, August 6, 2012

Camp Meeting 2012...


Well I shall say,I have been busy,sick & working. But,this past week me & a couple of  my girlfriends,our brothers & their friends went to Camp Meeting up in Santa Maria, we had our own tents,cooked outdoors,I LOVED it. 
 Bro.Mooney from Indiana preached every evening it was a 5 days family camp.They have it a fairground, everyone sets up their trailers & tents.It's alot of fun.I'm definitely going next year!

*Had an amazing time at church
*Hear amazing choirs & preaching every night
*Meeting new people
*Asking people if they "worked out"(an inside joke)
*Warned by the security that we were too loud(we had about 30 people by our fire a few nights) 
*Staying up late
*Bonfires every night
*Swimming at the freeezzing Pismo Beach(worth being sick,aye)
*Playing tag football at midnight with all the girls
*Experience walking to the showers & bathrooms
*Having your extension cord(head) smashed by some kid driving a a golf cart! 
Oh the memories;) Here are few pictures..

We made Carnitas!!

Carnitas with Tortillas,mmmm..


The stubborn girl who twisted her ankle & insisted on going to the beach the next day!! I LOVE her!

This picture touched her heart!

FUNNY STORY: This random guy who we always ended sitting by  or behind us,was a Red Indian,BUT..he had this weird rattler and some shaker thing he would shake all the time,kinda freaky & was saving spiders!YEA..he was a little creepy!!

Too much fun!



With the Eureka girls;)

Random is this!

Our 70's Tent!! This my diva sister.btw

Rafa(my little brother) grilling our dinner.

Smart Guy! Ironed his shirt before he ate & before the iron has a full line of boys.

Chow time!!

Tent Meeting!

Rocking our shades!
Going back home & Enjoying some Delish Clam Chowder;)


Unknown said...

awww I am glad you had a lot of fun! I liked looking at your pictures! And I read your bio and you seem like SUCH a sweet girl!
I can't wait to be back and read some more postss from you!
have a great day!
p.s. feel free to join me as I continue my beauty series on my blog, a post every day on what makes you beautiful, and ends on the 24th with a giveaway! =)

*~Lulu~* said...

Awww,THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! You're too sweet! I read your blog & it's amazing!! I'll defiantly be keeping up with the beauty series:)